
Unlock the full potential of web information

Make better, sounder & more due-diligent decisions with the power of real-time Intelligence from online sources

Stop using dozen of tools or software, welcome to Deephound Intelligence Suite, your personal assistant in any kind of information search and analysis.

From Journalism to Intelligence, finding and analysing information from the web has never been easier.

Analyse the web with AI super powers

Searching the most relevant information through millions of records and transform it into actionable intelligence.

Media, blogs, databases, websites, social networks, internet it’s plenty of information scattered and unreliable.

Our AI platform is able to search, read, verify and transform millions of data in seconds, selecting information suitable for your context and saving you up to 75% of research and analysis time.


All-in-one solution

You don’t need anything else to meet your needs

Fast and scalable

Customised solution at affordable costs and reduced internal effort

Compliance ready

We provide information compliance ready, according to international data protection regulations

Open Source Intelligence without barriers


Our platform uses methodologies based on Open Source Intelligence and, thanks to natural language interpretation, has no language barriers, enabling worldwide searches and reduced bias in the results.


We are member of Safety tech Innovation Network
by the UK department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

Deephound cooperates with nonprofit organisations using #OSINTFORGOOD to fight revenge porn, Cyber-bullying, disinformation and help finding missing people, by providing an intelligence platform dedicated to help international law enforcements to solve these problems.